
This art quilt came together for me with relatively no angst. 
It started with simply doing some practice with free motion quilting
since it is a fairly new technique for me. 
I really discovered the joys of free motion quilting when I bought  new foot for my
Janome sewing machine. 
I had been using my Baby Lock machine, but it just wasn't going very well.
When I found out that the new foot I was wanting to try was only available for the Janome,
I decided to switch machines even though I had always preferred the Baby Lock.

The difference between the 2 machines was like night and day.
I was shocked and amazed as well as very, very happy!

Starting this piece is what untangled me from the intense feeling
of being overwhelmed several weeks ago.
So I ponder,
how is it possible for a new project to quiet the tornado in my head.
It seems to be a dichotomy at best. 

But I suppose it does really make sense.
You know how it goes,
piles of unfinished projects overtaking your work table,
looming house work,
family needs,
dinner plans,
the day job...
and for me - writing deadlines.

A new simple project brought me into focus
 and helped me settle into a nice comfortable work zone.

So much so that I was then able to cut into fourths a large art quilt that had become static.
But more about that/those pieces later!

Please, please, please click on the image for a larger view.

Finished size is 24" x 30"
Here are some detail shots.

All the fabric I used was hand painted white cotton.
The center fabric with orange, green and yellow leaf shapes
was a piece of batik fabric I made
using soy wax and Dye-ne-Flow.
If you want to see an earlier version of this piece click here.

Now here is the big clincher...

I need help with a title.
What do you all think?

I am linking this post up with
Pop on over to see what some other fiber artists are up to.