Working in a Series

Before I got any further along on this art quilt,
 I made the decision to cut it into four separate pieces.
I had been considering it for quite some time.

This is what it looked like before cutting:

At one point it had a landscape orientation like this:

But now,
Here it is with 2 of the 4 panels.

The one on the right is finished.

Over all finished dimensions are 15" wide x 33" long.

Some detail shots.

I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Now, I just have to make sure that I finish the last 3.

But I am also thinking how I did this once before -
cut a large work in progress into 3 smaller pieces.

Here is one of the finished panels.
The dimensions are 21" x 42".

Its an interesting way to work on a series.

I'm linking this up to Off the Wall Friday.
Pop on over to see what some other fiber artists have been up to this week.