It has been over 10 days since my last post. Its not that there hasn't been anything going on, quite the contrary actually. I realize that I tend to write only when my head is clear and focused. Unconsciously I have been in teaching mode. And although I may talk about the feelings of being overwhelmed with students, I don't ever display it.

So it remains to be seen how I decide to go forward with this blog, and more importantly what I determine the act of blogging is for me. I have to be honest, I am not so sure I want to expose my heart and soul to all who choose to read and/or follow my blog - this blog.

Of course the fact remains that I not only exposed my inner feelings but also offered them up for all the world to see when I exhibited my figurative collage works. You can see them here. So why is this so different? I am not sure exactly.

But I do know that over the last handful of years I have explored the idea (and tangible items) of art (and crafts) for the sake of beauty alone. I have come to embrace what a difference living with beauty (and handmade) makes on our day to day existence. As an example, the experience of a morning cup of coffee from an ordinary store bought, mass produced mug and that from a hand made, expertly crafted mug that was thrown by your favorite potter is incredibly different. Don't get me wrong, I have always appreciated this fact, I just didn't think that those everyday items were mine to make. I had a higher calling. I made fine art!

My journey with fiber art, the onset of middle age, the need to make an income and life as a whole have changed that perspective. I'm turned inside out now. I'm standing on my head. I'm walking backwards while twirling in a circle. In other words, I'm having trouble pulling it all together - trouble making sense of who I am as an artist. All those puzzle pieces of who I am don't fit so cleanly together anymore.

The good news is that none of this has stymied my art production! If in my youth I was overwhelmed with emotion and finding purpose, I am now overwhelmed with my own production of ideas and work. However, now I have to grapple with questions like: Is it a fine art "art quilt" to hang on a wall or are these elements throw pillows for someone's couch? Am I invested in creating high end, sophisticated contemporary fine art or am I going to allow myself to make fiber art "products?"

You might ask, What kind of question is that for someone with a fine art training from one of the top art schools in the country? I guess an important one.

Okay, so the truth is that for the past 10 days or so I have been very busy making art, teaching, working at my part time job, mothering, wifeing (is that even a word?), writing for Stitch-It...Today, dyeing fabric, maintaining my Etsy shop and generally living my life with a tornado of thoughts constantly whirling around in my head. I am indeed confused.

The solution for now is that I am going to try to share more of this on going creative process here on this blog - both the good and bad - the beautiful and the ugly.

In the meantime - here is what's on the design board.
It currently measures 25.5" wide by 29" long.