I recently started a new sketch book.
I already have several: 
an art journal, an inspiration and idea book, a true sketchbook and now
a book that records my hand made stamps.

I love all these sketchbooks. I love having different ones for different categories.
I love holding therm and just running my hands across their well used pages.
I love the funny, crinkly sound the pages make when I turn them.
I adore how organized they are!!

They really help to quiet my overwhelmed mind. 
They give me cause to pause and breath.

My art journal now even has its own blog. You can find it here.

Below are the first pages of the Stamping Journal.
It is a record of the stamps, but it is also a place to try out some ideas using the stamps.
I'm using ink pads for these pages.
Something new I thought I would try.
As you can see  
I am starting to explore layering the stamped images.