I have been really busy updating my web site and straightening things out in my Etsy shop as well as taking photos of new product. I am going to be really busy the next couple of weeks working at my day job and teaching, so I thought I might actually plan ahead for once. All to say that I don't have much to report here.

I did post a new blog entry on my Art Journal blog which I am pleased with, so you might want to head on over there by clicking here.

Here's a peek at the entry.
Also, in the spirit of outdoor festivals and sidewalk sales in town, I decided to have my own blow-out summer sale at my Etsy shop. Here are a few item to show you. Click on the image for a larger view or to access it in my shop.

I'll be adding new items every day. So stay tuned. Click here to see what I have posted on sale so far.